re: copies; new stuff; Wizard's Attic; Praxian steeds

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 23:29:17 -0800

> > If you're photocopying them you're violating the author's
> > intellectual property.

> Legaly yes, but econommicaly no. The authors are not loosing any bucks
> since they have nothing to sell right now.

But you're depriving the authors of the ability to sell it in the future.

I make my living off of intellectual property, so perhaps this is overly near and dear to my heart, but authors make a small enough amount as it is - -- don't make it any harder on them.

I concede it's very tempting, but consider this (in Pendragon terms) as an opposed roll of Love (Glorantha) vs Honor. I'd rather get the experience check in Honor, myself.

Auctions: at least the author was paid (for the original). And they could be interpreted as a signal that there's interest in the product. If everyone gets a bootleg photocopy, nobody will know that it's worth reprinting (and in fact it probably wouldn't be).

Copying fees: This is an interesting idea.

Xavier Spinat wrote

> I hope I'll be able to read soon about new
> places, new time-lines, new heroes, new surprises, new quests, new dangers,
> new epics, new legends...

Enclosure 2 will be out at the end of May. I believe it will have something for each of your wishes. (We should have First Age stuff, new myths from Greg Stafford, and lots more.)

Rich Ohlson wondered

> I know that Wizzards Attic has an 800 number,
> do 800 numbers work internationally?

Probably not, which is why my Web site has the following: : Wizard's Attic 800-213-1493 or 510-547-2185 (source of fan publications like The Book of
: Drastic Resolutions and Heroes of Wisdom, and Greg Stafford's works in progress like
: Fortunate Succession)

Jonathan Coxhead

> A while ago, I asked about the 6 Great Steeds of Prax, and the 22 Lesser
> Steeds (mentioned in _King_of_Sartar_). No-one answered, so I thought I'd
> make something up.

A worthy attitude! BTW, I suspect some of the "steeds" may really be "herd animals" -- you probably can ride a cow, but the Pol Joni don't (they're horsemen, just to be even more of an aberration).

> Auroch

I think of these as monster cows, mightier than even a Holstein

> Longnose

I always figured these were saigas, which are really silly looking (and adapted to colder climates, so rather out of place).

Sandy Petersen responded about Umathela

> So what do we call the coastal people?

I'm going with Peter's suggestion of Malki, at least from the viewpoint of the barbarians. It's short and easy enough to figure out.

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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