RE: sandy speex

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 17:47:33 -0600

Peter M.
>The Broos (plural) of the Black Pus are a mythic foe of the God
Learners (mentioned in p25 of the Genertela Book 1). The
>circumstances of their appearance is vague but I get the feeling that
it's a known heroplane hazard (like the wild hunt) rather
>than a single heroquester.

        The Broos of the Black Pus are not specifically anti-God Learner, though they did show up near the end of the second age. Nor are they a "normal" heroplane hazard. Instead, they are a periodic menace. Sometimes they show up on the heroplane in various critical places and make the life of heroquesters incredibly more hard. Because they only show up at times when the world seems to be near destruction, they are regarded as a token of the end of the world. So far they have shown up four times that I know of, twice on the "real" world and twice on the heroplane. Their two real world appearances were alongside Kajabor at the destruction of the Spike, and later at I Fought We Won. At the end of the First Age, they became a major heroplane menace and significantly thinned out the ranks of heroquesters that were starting up under the influence of Nysalor, Arkat, and other leaders. At the time of the God Learners, the Broos of the Black Pus showed up well before the dooms of the Second Age, which was unusual, because in earlier times the world was always clearly under attack when they arrived. Some insightful God Learners actually realized that they were a sign of major unrecognized cosmic stress. Sadly, the effort on the part of these individuals to identify and end the threat was too little, too late. AFAIK they have not yet shown up in the Third Age, so their abilities and dangers remain rumor only.

        (Here is one rumor however; the Broos of the Black Pus, among other noisome powers, cause direct and permanent damage to a victim's skills and talents. Thus, after a combat with them, you may end up no longer a master of Shortsword or unable to read and write. Rune Lords especially hate them.)

Peter Metcalfe
>The Charggi are not Orlanthi. They've more in common with Storm Bull.

        Whatever is under the Ban in Charg is certainly not some pathetic barbarians. Just as there was no hint of the Kingdom of War before the Ban, there is no hint of what lies in wait in Charg. Since it is (probably) the last important bit of the Ban to open up, it is thematically essential that it be something absolutely astounding, like the Black Sun, or a new race of humanity, or White Elves, or Blue Vadeli, or something.

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