
From: Mikko Rintasaari <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 15:27:22 +0300 (EDT)

> > >IMG I like to keep the number of - successful - resurrections per year
> > >at less than 100 all over Old Sartar, making it a noteworthy news-item,
> > >much like a case of murder or a serious car accident nowadays.
> >
> > Actually, I suspect that it is a LOT less than that. Perhaps more like
> > three or four resurrections per year, if that. Any resurrection is BIG
> > news.

I'll side with this. Resurrections are rare and difficult... bringing people back from across the river of the dead is the greatest and holiest mystery of Chalana Arroy. This is never undertaken lightly, and there is _always_ a cost. I think this is one of the cases where RQ rules and Gloranthan reality differ quite a bit. A rescurretion attempt is much closer to a dangerous Hero Quest than a 3 point close-your-eyes-lay-on- the-hands-and-WOOSH RQ ritual divine spell.   Also, people brought back are very rarely unchanged and undamaged by the experience. Their spirits had already started leaving the mortal world, and many don't seem to remember how to live. The cults of Death and the dead seem to attract the resurrectees. Of course this is not always the case. An individual whose spirit burns strong and bright (excuse me, you trolls out there, just a figure of speech) and who had important, unfinished business left behind may come through the experience like it was just a very unpleasant dream.
  I have always hated the way the Lunar cults have been reduced to duplicates of theyalan ones. I could write a looong essay on this subject, but probably I'd better cut it short at the moment, since I'm presently at work, as a computer-peon... In Finland we serve a compulsory term in the army, but there is this alternative of working for some government, or beneficial agency for a year... for free. I think my co-workers are getting suspicious, so I'll hurry on...
  The 7m cults also have resurrection as their main party trick. They brought back a long dead goddess, and this gives them some power over Death. Even more than in Chalana arroys case I feel that the 3 point runespell is right out. I think a lunar resurrection seremony demands a rather powerfull priestess from each of the cults of 7m, and that the ceremony itself is rather slow and cumbersome. I think their resurrection works very reliably tough, and the fact that they work as a group spreads out the MP / POW loss, and offers protection incase they accidentally bring back something different (which i think is a wery real danger, when trying to snatch a soul back from Death). This is an idea-in-development, so I don't have anything much more precise, and, no Nick, I don't know who fills the seventh position... possibly no one, and the Seventh Participant is said to be present in spirit.

As for the other cults who are reputed to be capable of resurrection:

Xiola Umbar; whose cult is quite shamanistic, as troll cults generally are. I think Xiola Umbar priestesses are only capable of bringing back trolls, using their kinship ties. Of course they wouldn't even be interested in resurrecting anything else.

Yelm; has mastered and overcome his own death. I think the yelmic "spell" only works for worshippers of Yelm... and if one wants to be cruel, then to only those in the Yelm the Emperor cult, the leaders who claim blood ties to Yelm.

Can't remember any others at the moment... anyways, got to run. Damn this idiotic civilian service...


"thinker, dreamer and adventurer"

End of The Glorantha Digest V5 #551

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