GL gods

From: Vesa Lehtinen <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 20:01:51

IMO the cults of Lhankor Mhy and Issaries were not _created_ by God Learners but must have been _influenced_ by them. Jrusteli must have used the LM at least as a secondary information gathering organization (that would also justify the old notes about GLs being LM worshipers (which I do not believe) - maybe later scholars mixed them up if they traveled in mixed parties). Large-scale libraries like those in Nochet and LM propensity to _sell_ information are too convenient otherwise - I would think that in "normal circumstances" LM would have ended up more like the Lawspeaking god as envisioned by Raaterova and Dunham.

        In the case of Issaries, the subcults (Harst, Garzen, Goldentongue) were probably _originally_ separate cults with enough in common that God Learners were able to fuse them (which does follow my view about multiple cults for a single god). Otherwise, FREX, Tradetalk is too convenient to have developed "naturally". (IMG there is also a written form of Tradetalk but it is evident only in the old GL documents).

        But I still do not think that those specific gods or their aspects - communication/trade or knowledge/information - would have been _created_ by GLs - but undeniably modified.

Vesa Lehtinen

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