Re: Trademark; Healsharp

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 09:00:21 +0100

Philip asks:

> Should our web sites still be crediting the Glorantha trademark to
> Inc., or is it Issaries Inc. now?

Until Greg/Chaosium/Issaries pull their collective fingers out, I'd plan to keep on using the last requested credit, which was to Greg Stafford and Chaosium, Inc., rather than make up something that nobody has asked for.

Nick H argues, in essence, for Healsharp (i.e. the Heal spell bears roughly the same relationship to First Aid skill and results as a Bladesharp spell does to Sword skill and damage). And whyever not?

Someone else (Allen?) suggested that wounds resist healing. I dislike this, as it makes bigger healing spells a virtual necessity. Similar effects can be obtained without placing Heal 10 at such a premium by allowing just one Heal attempt per wound, and/or by equating this with the First Aid roll (i.e. saying that mundane First Aid *is* a Heal attempt: the Healsharp approach), and/or by having a Heal 'N' spell heal 1dN points of damage rather than N (i.e. Heal 3 cures 1-3 points; Heal 6 cures 1-6 points), which makes small Heal spells more 'efficient' and dependable than larger ones. Chacun a son gout.

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