Re: Gloranthan Atheists

From: TTrotsky <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 13:20:54 EDT

Peter corrects me about the Brithini:   

 <<They do accept the existence of the Invisible God (cf Tales #13) but they  do not worship him. A subtle difference.>>

     Indeed. Funnily enough, that's how they are IMG, but for some reason I thought this was non-canonical and so didn't mention it in my post. To find out I was right all along makes me much happier :-)  

<<>(far from theists, but not far from Malkioni >monotheists with their
rationalist-dualist philosophy)  

 You mean deism rather than dualism, surely?>>

     No, but more likely I don't mean dualism in the sense you're thinking of it - its a word that I've seen used in several different ways. Of course, the Malkioni are also deist (i.e. they believe in the existence of a god which they can 'prove' through reason rather than through divine revelation), but when I say they are dualist I mean they believe that the soul and spirits exist as a different type of substance than matter as opposed to the 20th century scientific view of mind as something so intimately associated with matter that it cannot exist separate from it. This is, incidentally the meaning of the word 'dualism' given in both my dictionary and my encyclopedia of philosophy.  

     Thanks for the info on the Vadeli, BTW.

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