Re: The color of Uleria's Underware

From: Philip R. Hammar <>
Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 21:46:09 -0400 (EDT)

Richard Ohlson asks
- ->"What color is Uleria's underwear?"

        And nearly reveals himself to be a Riddler except the answer is so painfully "mu" because she obviously doesn't see the need to wear any. Does exposure to this riddle reduce one's chances for illumination?


P.S. I see three potential results from pursuing this thread

  1. A lengthy debate on the nature of Sartarite, Heortland, Pelorian, Seshnelan, Agimori, Praxian, etc. undergarments,
  2. A debate on whether the reduction of the chance for becoming illuminated could even be a viable mechanic,

        or (the most probable)         

        3) This post generates at most a smirk and is subsequently ignored :-(

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