The Bat

From: Mikko Rintasaari <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 21:31:28 +0300 (EDT)

> Which is the main reason why I don't like this solution. But the
> Crimson Bat was illuminated by the Red Goddess (according to a post
> by Eric Rowe some time back) and that is why it has so many eyes
> (hahahaha). IMO the Bat simply has not learned how to conceal its
> chaotic nature.

With all due respect to Mr. Rowe, I don't see any reason to suspect The Bat would be illuminated. All descriptions and sources on the bat seem to indicate it is just a mindless demon. It is said it was originally a natural animal, but was corrupted by chaos during the War of Gods. I've seen no evidence that it was sapient before becoming chaotic, and certainly it isn't that now. The bat is just a beast, and illumination is something that only the keenest minds can reach.   (and even if it was both intelligent and illuminated it would still be so self evidently chaotic that one doesn't need the senses of the bull to detect it... The bat is a raging vortex straight into oblivion in the sea of chaos... I think all Gloranthan mortals feel deeply disturbed and distressed when in the range of it's unholy glow... except perhaps the bat cultists, who I think are crazier than good ol dr. Strange Love)


"thinker, dreamer and adventurer"

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