the forest of sleep

From: Sergio Mascarenhas <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 11:38:03 +0100

in the Forest of Sleep
and the sound
of Breezedeer
agile and illusive
like the wind
speaks of love
and loneliness:
who captures them,
his hunt is not in vain.

The Forest of Sleep is an Aldyami forest that exists since pre-darkness. It's called the forest of *sleep* because the local elves did never awaken until now.
The trees are almost 200m high. They don't have branches for half of their height. The branches grow horizontally at about 70 to 100m. They divide the forest in two parts: the low forest below the branches, and the high forest above.
The low forest never sees the sunlight. It's very dense with smaller trees and bushes. It's where the elves rest, and it's populated by the common denizens of elven forests: lesser aldryami, birds, etc. The high forest is completelly different from the low forest. It has different denizens living in the branches of the trees. It is controled by the Breezedeer. This is an intelligent small dear, the size of a big dog. It is more agile then a goat, and can 'fly' like a flying squirrell. The Breezedears are connected to Storm and Fertility. They protect the forest from the violence of storms by magically calming them down.

The forest of sleep was adapted from a poem by Carlos de Oliveira, and inspired by a recent article in National Geographic Magazine.


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