Red Sisters.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 20:27:19 +0100 (BST)

David Dunham:
> Surely it's the Six Sisters in Battle Valley (see The Haunted Ruins -- the
> trolls call them the Six Hags). (I'm not sure which one is bee-headed.
> These are also special hills to the Grazers, I believe.

Note that on the Trollpak map they do appear as the Six Sisters, so this must indeed surely be them...

> BTW, I believe red hair occurs naturally among most Wareran populations (we
> know it does in Pentans). I think Vinga happened to have red hair, there's
> nothing mythical about it.

You make it sound like "natural" and "mythical" are mutually exclusive. That some people have red hair, and that the sun rises each morning, are indubitably both natural, and both mythic.


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