Red Hair and Wind Children.

From: Simon Bray <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 08:05:40 -0400

Hi All,

 RE: Red Headed women in Glorantha.

 I definately believe that Suzanne Corteau may be one of the sources for red hairs Gloranthan imortance.
On the same wave length those that know Greg's friend Kerry Campbell will see similar reasoning. I once came face to face with Kerry during 'Home of the Bold' she is a true valkyrie and scared the hell outta me.

 Their are historical references to red hair. Boudicca was supposed to have had red hair, as did her daughters. The population of the U.K was once made up of 33% red heads before the Roman invasion. Red hair was deemed unlucky by the Romans, probably due to Boudicca. (IMO) If I remember correctly the medieval warrioress Agnes the Black had red hair. I think that it also has a lot to do with cliche eg red heads being fiery tempered (which during several relationships with red headed women has not been disproved).

 I think Griselda from Oliver Dickinsons stories also influenced Gregs attitude to red headed women. The description of Pikat Yaraboom in Troll Pak and the story 'A Tasty Morsel' will elaborate on this. I am not sure if the 'Collected Griselda' is still in print from the Megacorp but it is a worthy purchase.

 RE: Wind Children.

 The best resource that has been published about wind children must be the scenario book from the Vikings box set. This reads so much like a Gloranthan article that it is no problem to convert. I have heard that the background was originally Gloranthan any way. I think that all as needs doing is an expansion of their mythology. This article covers Habitat, the Aery, Behavior, Food and Drink, Method of Living, Family and Life History, Trade and Technology, Warfare, Natural Enemies, Preferred Magic, Language and RQ3 Character Creation. The article doesn't feel Viking, talking about 'Elf Woods' and 'Storm Gods'.

 What I wanted to know about are the Storm Walkers. Has anybody tried to write them up?

Cheers Simon.

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