Resurrecting resurrection 3

From: Bruce Richardson <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 19:32:58 +0100

In reply to several people's comments, no, I don't think Chalana Arroy bears the taint of chaos but chaos is always waiting to spread its taint.  In particular, it seeks to pervert acts of creation or re-creation (cf. Nysalor, Red Goddess, EWF) hoping to benefit from (and conceal itself within) the growth/regrowth that follows. What if, as a would-be resurrector chased down a fleeing soul through the paths of the spirit world, one of them encountered the muttering shade of Nysalor lurking to one side? Death-sickness and illumination have common features. I would be keen to hear some suggestions on the potential risks of resurrection.  They should, I think, differ from culture to culture and cult to cult (each has their own path to paradise or hell). More than one boon brought into the world by God or Hero has had a downside. And not all cult(ure)s have the most positive view of Chalana Arroys gifts.

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