Amazons, Silence, Kallyr

From: Jane Williams <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 19:05:35 +0100

Xavier asked:
> Do the amazons ride horses or any kind of mount?, if not, as I assume, where do
I place the percentage on Riding ..?

As I recall, they use boats extensively. War canoes, that sort of thing. Try Boating.

> By the way, what other names could be used to name these Rune Ladies?;
> "Rune Lady of Tolat" is not very appealing. "War maidens"?
They aren't maidens, though.
Ladies of Love and Death?
Bride of Tolat?

Oh, and I agree with Robert. Where are all the Digests?

Bruce asked:
> Btw, completely by accident, the female character (the Urox testee)
is named Kallyr. The campaign started at 1600. What did Starbrow do at Boldhome?

Survived it. Therefore, if you believe CHDP, she wasn't there. IMG she was adventuring in Pavis at the time (aged about 20). She came home prettty fast once she found out what had happened to her family, though.

Still, if your Kallyr is Uroxi, she's very different from the one I know. What tribe are you in?

Jane Williams

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