Rural Sartar

From: Jeff Richard <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 18:54:27 -0700

Bruce writes:

>So, given the populations in Questlines, a clan would be about 1000 to
1200 people,
>living in about 200 nuclear family units/steads, each farming 1 to 2 sq km
(250 to 500
>acres). Presumably, much of this is odal pasture lands, with smaller
>grain/alfalfa/fallow fields in a multi-year rotation and small market
>Irrigation and cattle both mean ready souces of water, brooks and streams
>Skyfall Lake and/or Creekstream River.

That certainly sounds like Sartar in the 16th and 17th centuries. Don't forget the pigs, though! I suspect that most steads actually cultivate 1-2 hides (40-100 acres) of land, with a few very rich steads having as much as 5-10 hides of land (200-1000 acres). These rich farmers are assisted by landless cottars and thralls in their fields.

For those who have read Kerreneth's Saga on David Dunham's page, Blew Hat stead has 2-3 hides under cultivation.

>So, rural Quivinland is a rich country of heavily farmed, fertile farm
valleys watered by
>innumerable brooks and streams. The cattle graze in the valley floors, the
sheep on the
>hill sides and the goats in the unpopulated moors on the hilltops. It
sounds a lot like
>Wales or Nova Scotia, but decidely more fertile.

Great description, just one complaint - No goats. Not unless the clan is really really really desperately poor. Contrary to the goat-meat paddies mentioned in Apple Lane, the Heortling Orlanthi have a serious dietary taboo about goats. Pigs yes, goats no.

>How does that sound?

Sounds great, Bruce!

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