I view Tradetalk as a polygot, a pidgin speech composed of words and grammatical structures from many languages. Naturally, it would have many, maybe hundreds of dialects (explaining the negative modifiers). I presume Kralorelan and Eastern Islander or whatever their languages are called (probably tranlslates something like "The Divine Sound" :-> ) are tonal languages, like oriental languages are here. If so, then "their" dialect(s) would be among those giving the maximum penalty to outsiders. This could produce a large chance of misunderstanding, meaning it would not be out of line for the GM to assign it double the normal fumble chance.
Additionally, I note again that many of the languages have runic associations (hence the disagreement over Mantongue). Any of the Elemental runes (except Moon) and many form runes have languages attached. Presumably these were invented by the gods during the creation process. But note that each of those racial languages involves another rune *mixed* with the Man rune. I would submit that there is no Mantounge because Grandfather Mortal/Flesh Man, or whomever made either (I'm a little vague on that point, I confess) decided not to make one, or the idea wasn't invented until later. Humans, being the basic form, were presumably first. Once the idea of a runic language was invented, other gods copied it indiscriminantly.
Before someone objects "they wouldn't copy it ALL the time," I will agree myself. But in the early days of the Golden Age many races were created of which not even legends survive. Perhaps some of the lost races had no special languages. (Wonder if that has something to do with their being lost?) Then again, maybe some did survive. Are we SURE that Waerans, Vadeli, Pamaltelans, and Kraloreli are all the same species? Or are they so closely related that even God-Learners/4th age taxonomists are confused? (a'la giants and the Disorder/Chaos rune confusion, if I haven't been Gregged on that. And before I'm Nicked, :-> let me note I'm engaging in wild speculation.)
This also keeps us from falling into a trap of assuming Babel based on runes was the original state of affairs. If it were so, how did Orlanth ever challenge Yelm? At least on the Godplane, there must be a common language from the very beginning of the Celestial Court! This would be, IMO, Spiritspeech. If you wanted to be picky, you could say the gods have Godspeech, as they would be dealing in concepts beyond the ken of mere mortals and minor spirits.
Presumably, shamen, priests, mystics, and heroes
learn how to communicate with spirit
manifestations (via a form of telepathy?) in
Spiritspeech. Sorcerors, who seem to view spirits
as a natural manifestation of the cosmos, would
not bother. Some might not even belive it
possible. Mystics might find themselves able to
understand spirits as an umimportant by-product of
their greater understanding of the cosmos they are
dis-entangling themselves from.
I would think that the spirits of the dead retain an ability to communicate in their living language for at least a short while if not permanently. This is necessary to explain hauntings, sendings, and maybe some visions. Either that, or everyone around the lozenge is 100% in Spiritspeech.
Charlie Domino
"Everytime I think I know all the answers,
somebody changes the question."
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