Re: Wareran Vadeli & Languages

From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 23:57:13 +0200

> sapiens. Incidentally, Charles, the Vadeli *are* Wareran; my guess is you're

They are? I thought they'd be considered their own separate race by now (as would the Teleosans).

David Dunham:
>Sounds like written Chinese to me. Are all the mutually unintelligible
>Chinese dialects related? (They may be, I can't remember.)

They have to be rather closely related as languages go in so far that the grammatical structure must be the same.

> > some RW
> > languages are pretty static (such as Icelandic and Greek)
>It's my understanding that Greek had a big vowel shift; modern Greek
>doesn't really use all the classical vowels.

A greek I spoke said that the grammar is similar between classical and modern greek, and some words, but that they are otherwise rather different. He said learning classical greek was almost like learning a foregn language.

>I wonder if the sagas have anything to do with Icelandic

According to what I have heard it's mainly because of the geographic isolation which hindered outside influences from reaching Iceland to a significant degree.

Julian Lord:
>A more useful
>parallel might be Ancient Egyptian, as a Golden Age ideogrammatic script.

But the egyptian hieroglyphs are phonetic.

>Since that time, it has been learned that Firespeech is not spoken
>by 'salamanders and birds' universally but is your everyday Dara
>Happan tongue -

- -..
>Likewise Earthtongue has been revealed to be the Esrolian Language

Now this is interesting. I guess that means that Seaspeech is a merman language. What's the source for this?

Nils Weinander | Everything is dust in the wind |

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