RE: Mantongue

From: Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 15:51:00 -0400

Great Lhankhor Mhy Library

Reverend Father,

I must report that I have made little progress in my search for proof of the
existence of the universal, ancestral human language known as "Mantongue"
The priests here in the Pavis library are the biggest bunch of crackpot yokels
ever to have disgraced the beards of Lhankhor Mhy. Their library is a mess
and their catalogue incomprehensible. Having said that their collection does
contain the most amazing bits of information. (The trick is finding it). I found
the following fragment marking a page in the most profane and disgusting piece of New Pelorian pornography I have ever seen. It, the fragment, seems
to be a translation into Pavic from some other, unknown language. I am unable to date the piece, nor do I have an author's name. An interesting piece
anyway. I have translated it as literally as possible into Sartarite and hope you
find it interesting.

Fascinating don't you think? Unfortunately it proves nothing.

Your devoted nephew,

Oliver D. Bernuetz

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