>Date: 17 Jul 1998 06:41:48 -0400
>From: Colin Phillips <cphill12_at_ford.com>
>Subject: Non-delivery Report
- -..
>John's stuff rocks and now we have helped him find the one or two tiny
>errors in the great scheme of things its probably even better. I am sure
>he would sell you a copy if you asked him nicely.
<blush> <begin shameless plug, all IMHO and possibly too crassly commercial for this venue, but hey, we did live through Mike Dawson, didn't we?>
If you're interested in the DBA/DBM/DBR/DBF scale of things, Rob Smith and I have been working on a game named Red Devastation for about 5 years, and I've dragged these rules to the 5 American GloranthaCons, and at least since Chicago, have portrayed an MGF type Lunars v. Sartarites and Praxians game pretty damn well.
Though in 1994 it was a very close copy of DBM (probably as close as DBF) we have added a lot of color and fun by adding a card deck to describe the troops and spells and abilities and goals of whatever army you wish to model. As a result it is easily tunable to whatever background or kind of army you would want to field (within reason). Whether you're playing in Glorantha, or on the Scottish border in 1600, I think RedDev makes for a more entertaining game, and the results make at least as much sense as do any of the DBx rules.
<pause shameless plug> <begin bad news>
However, at the LA con, Greg refused to permit even a fan-level publication through Tales, or independently, as a Gloranthan game, because it would "confuse" gamers later on, should there ever be an "official" minis game tied in with the new RPG. Personally, I don't expect to see such an official publication from Chaosium, but I understand his desire for copyright control.
<end bad news> <resume shameless plug>
So Rob and I are going to try to get it published as a generic set of rules, and create army decks for royalty free backgrounds and whatever else we still can get permission for (various historical periods, Trojan War, possibly Tekumel, et al.). Other backgrounds, like Glorantha, would have to be done by the end user with a card-creation application we'll offer from a website.
For right now, though we're only looking for playtesters. We've missed for a sellable version for Convulsion, but I think we've got a decent chance to get something out this Fall.
So, if anyone would be really interested in playtesting our rules (and I don't just mean getting a copy to put on the shelf, I mean _playing them and _commenting on them), we'd love to have you, regardless of the background to which you choose to adapt them (Ancient Middle Eastern, 30 Years War, Trojan War/Mythological Greece, something Tolkienesque, Tekumel or even Glorantha).
<end shameless plug>
johnjmedway jmedway_at_io.com 512.479.5909
"I received little (no) comment on the proposal... that I sent last week. I interpret that to mean wild acceptance." -- Dave Humphrey
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