Nick Brooke and I have played around with this a bit. Suffice to say that the Orlanthi of the Lunar Provinces are about as similar to the Sartarites as Charlemagne's Franks were to the Norsemen. We suspect these Orlanthi wear trousers, have nobles with estates, have civic centers, keep written records and aspire to the lofty title of Imperial senator or other such office. One way of looking at them is by comparing them to the German federatae of the Late Roman Empire - imagine Fazzur Wideread as a Stilicho and you probably aren't terribly off the mark.
As far as these Lunarized Orlanthi are concerned, the Seven Mothers have proven to be more useful for war, leadership and deep mysteries than Orlanth. This doesn't mean that Orlanth is forgotten - simply not actively worshipped by the civilized provincial elite. The Lightbringers (and in this aspect Orlanthi is included) are worshipped, as is Elmal, Humakt, Barntar, and the other sons of Orlanth. What is missing is Orlanth the King and Orlanth the Storm God - aspects of Orlanth no longer actively proprietated by the provincial aristocracy. And why should they when Orlanth the King has been defeated by the Moonson and Orlanth mighty storms have been calmed by the Red Goddess?
It is important to remember that the provinces are historically at the center of Orlanthi culture - Sartar and Heortland are mere backwaters, having been removed from the core Orlanthi lands by the Dragonkill. A proud noble from Holay would view a Sartarite chieftain as an impoverished, backwards barbarian. It also is worth being reminded that the provincial aristocracy might be Lunarized but they still despise the Dara Happans! Respect is given for the Moonson and the Lunar Way, but the Yelm-worshipping Dara Happans and the barbaric savages of Alkoth do not represent either.
This certainly isn't the first time that the "Orlanthi" have actively ceased making sacrifices and worshipping Orlanth according to his rites. During the Bright Empire, Lokamayadon introduced the worship of Tarumath - the Highest Storm. After the Evil Year, the rites of Orlanth could not be performed and were abandoned. Although the sacred rites of Orlanth ceased, the stories and myths were not forgotten.
The status of Orlanth-worship in the provinces is considerably less severe than it was during the Bright Empire. Orlanth is still actively worshipped and his most sacred rites are still performed in many, perhaps most, rural communities. But the provincial aristocracy largely has forgone Orlanth for the Seven Mothers, However, the stories of Orlanth are still remembered and I suspect that there are more than a few provincial leaders who fear what might happen if Orlanth returns again to wreak vengeance.
How's this for a start, Joerg?
Finally I'd like to make a comment or two about Mr. Tickler's rather pointless claims about the "slow death" of Glorantha. My first comment is not going to be printed since it is nothing more than an obscene ad hominem attack upon Mr. Tickler's sexual prowess or lack thereof. However, my second comment is - who cares? As long as there are those of us who are willing to game in Glorantha, write about Glorantha, and maybe play in a few Gloranthan LARPs, well, it sounds like Glorantha is alive and kicking.
Jeff Richard
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