Glorantha Online

From: Chris Bell <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 23:34:26 -0400


> However ASL has a new venue that has injected a new life in a game
> dying through lack of face to face playing: Virtual ASL.
> We need to do something similar, if only because the fact that Hero
> Wars is a success will not give me enough time to play with the new players,
> or the patience to play with newbies.
> So let's go virtual, surf the internet, explore the IRC, the ICQ,
> just traditional e-mail. Because we need people who care to keep Glorantha
> alive. Even if you don't have time or players, the world is your preferred
> mollusk!
> Jose

I agree muchso, as I'm a MUX Wizard myself (Ascension City: telnet 2600) There are a gazillion World of Darkness MU*'s out there, and not one Gloranthan MU*. What the hell is MU*, anyway?

MU* is a class of text based virtual world interfaces, such as MUX, MUSH, MUCK, MOO and the original MUD. MUD means Multi-User Dungeon, based off of the the old text-based D&D style hack-and-slash adventure games prevalent on PC's and mainframes about 15 years ago. These have evolved into a panopoly of various multi-user interfaces and purely social environments, such as the MUCKS and MOOS out there, others straddle the line between full RP and rules-based gaming, as most World of Darkness MU*s out there (I know, I'm an admin at one.)

For more info on what MU*'s are all about:
(This is a beginner's MUSH guide, and most of what it says about MU*'s in general can be applied to other MU*'s as well)

STORMWORLD MU* (telnet:// is a MUSH based on Chaosium's ELRIC! game, complete with code for BRP mechanics using the Elric game system! If I wanted to ever run a MU* based on RQ2 Pavis, I'd steal code from here! I think that with moderate effort, the softcode from this MU* could be modified to use Pendragon Pass mechanics instead, so as to avoid legal scofflaws with AH.

A major reason why "Virtual RQ" or "Virtual Glorantha" hasn't developed has been because of sheer *time*. From my understanding, AH has provided Virtual ASL as a complete software package for ASL players to use. However, any online Glorantha stuff that we'll use has to be developed by us, from the ground up. However, if we have time to create fanzines and post to the digest, I'm sure one of us can come up with hosting at least one lousy IRC channel, or installing a chat client onto a web page.

A question for Jane Williams - how is the PBEM world of Gloranthan gaming faring?

A question for Shannon Appel - any chance of getting a Java-based chat client installed at, so we can argue Glorantha minutae live? :)

Chris Bell

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