Introducing the youngsters to Glorantha

From: Michael Cule <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 22:59:56 GMT

Danny Bourne was busy:

> I was talking to the guys at the local uni role playing group a while back
> - - I was going to run a wadge of Grazer's stuff for RQ. What was the general
> comment, what's Runequest, what's Glorantha? (Cos they're all best part of
> a decade younger than me). Okay, I said, have a look at this (and showed
> them things like Lords of Terror, the Gloranthan boxed set and a few of the
> fanzines). General consensus, they felt there's far too much to learn
> before you can even start to play (I haven't been privy to Hero Wars, so I
> don't know whether that situation will be overcome or not), and it's not
> something that's go an instantly accessible tag (like L5R or the world of
> darkness stuff)

Ummm, I see the problem. I don't think you chose the best way to introduce them to the game to be honest. I would go with drawing on a small scale at first and letting them become aware of one culture and one place. Show them some of the 'what my father taught me' stuff and take off from there.

Use either Sartar ('You're sorta like Vikings or maybe Celts') or the West ('You're feudal knights and their folliowers') so that they can get a firm picture in their heads. Not something a bit outre like the Grazers. Not for the very first game.

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