Danny's comments

From: Colin Phillips <cphill12_at_ford.com>
Date: 22 Jul 1998 04:12:30 -0400

TO: glorantha_at_chaosium.com

Danny, in your note "Wither Glorantha" you have yet again took a swipe at the Megacorp through Convulsion. To start with this is not a Megacorp production, although they are helping us tremendously, its a new team with no connections other than 2 people are megacorper's.

Secondly, I agree we should pamper people with other systems, which is why Convulsion 4 contains Elric games, a Mythos tournament and CoC content. Not to mention Pendragon and three non-gloranthan freeforms.

BTW just in case anybody is unclear, this has always been the aim of Convulsion, the last three Con's have all contained alternatives to Glorantha.

This year we are also oversubscribed, a problem that non of the last three USA cons I have attended have suffered from. So just because a group of your friends can't come and play Mythos for one day.Stop whinging and try to see our POV.

In the past we have had people crash the Con and not pay for their membership and as we are trying to limit the number of jackbooted stormtrooper necessary at checkpoints to an absolute minimum. We thought we would discourage day attendees with a high cost day membership.

However Danny, this has nothing to do with this newsgroup. If you want to argue this take it off line with me or any other Convulsion member. Lets face it Danny you are not the most reliable person in the world, and we felt the amount of effort required in the vague hope you would come through for the few who may attend simply was not worth the effort. Did we stop you attending? No! We just placed a high price on a day ticket. If you where mad keen to come you would pay the price. As I said before we are oversubscribed, this is likely to be the best Convulsion ever! (At least I hope so). Convulsion should be a huge success and thats not because we are snotty nosed elitists. Ask anybody who attended in L.A. who did the most for the under 12's who attended. Myself, MOB, David Hall and the rest of the international Megacorp went out of our way to get these kids involved, to give them products at no cost and to make sure they had a geniune happy time. Perhaps its time you stopped whinging and got off your sorry ass and did something yourself.Hey here's an i dea, why not start the Con and get 200+ people to attend and hopefully this will encourage people to Role-play.


Colin Phillips

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