
From: David Cake <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 19:42:22 +0800

>For the illuminate, divinity is transcendant, as it ought to be (but
>often isn't) in Malkionism.

        My general feeling about Illumination is that it allows you to resolved contradictions, achieve the impossible, and generally believe several impossible things before breakfast. Its about reconciling the irreconcilable within yourself.

        Illumination per se doesn't imply anything about your approach to divinity. Some schools might explicitly be associated with a particular magical path. But it DOES allow you accept that divinity is transcendant, and at the same time immanent. Thus allowing you to come to terms with transcendant divinity while still following your immanent deity - and is thus an important part of the Lunar religion, which believes in transcendant divinity and immanent divinty at the same time.

        But not all Illuminates are like this. There are also Ralzakarks Sword broo, for example, who are able to come to terms with being chaotic and non-chaotic at once, and also manage to keep their geases and break them at the same time - but really could care less about transcendent divinity.

        So I'm going to agree with Peter M that illumination really doesn't have much to do with transcendent divinity except indirectly. Just because the Lunars believe in both, doesn't mean that they are the same.

Julian Lord says
>Simply, someone who has become illuminated by transcending an us/them
>dichotomy is a "light" side illuminate. Someone who has become illuminated
>by transcending a mine/yours dichotomy is a
>"grey" illuminate. Someone who has become illuminated by transcending the
>Death/Entropy dichotomy is a "dark" illuminate.

        The problem is, Illumination can allow you to transcend all of these. Thats why it is both liberating and dangerous - Illumination can allow you to transcend all these dichotomies.



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