Re:HW convention playtest.

From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 17:11:21 +0100

Jon S Green :

>Worse still, if you
>had two debating-related skills at different skill/points levels, you
>could switch skills to "reset" your score if things were going badly --

>playing the system, not the game.

You may be able to do this in the cut-down version, but in the current draft you can't. You can change abilities but this only changes your target number (and the effects you can achieve due to the different ability), the action points total stays the same.

The playtest version is only designed to give a taste of the system. They are the outer framework of the game mechanics without any of the gritty details. Also, as Robin explained at Convulsion, it doesn't help that it is based on the previous draft of the rules which is apparently far more sophisticated and seems to address many if not all the criticisms I've seen leveled at it so far.

Simon Hibbs

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