
From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 16:51:35 +0100

Richard Develyn :

>An enlightened person gets at the truth. Jesus said (apparently) The
>Truth Makes You Free. Sounds like illumination.

We are all truly free if we have the will to excercise that freedom, our percieved lack of freedom is illusory. The best expression of this I know of in literary form is Discordianism as presented in 'The Illuminatus Trillogy'.

>Finally, my Yoga teacher said to me that a truly enlightened person can

>change the world. That isn't something I've heard much talk about in
>terms of illumination.

On Sunday night, while we were discussing the mythology of the red godess and the moment of her illumination, Greg said at one point something like :

"....and this is one of the reveleations she had - that we are the forces within our world that have the power to change it."

>If an illuminated person chooses to _push_ the world, rather than just
>accomodate himself within it, he would know exactly where to push and
>how hard.

Spot on. Of course some illuminates are more powerful than others.

Simon Hibbs

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