Foes of Nysalor.

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 17:22:20 +1200 (NZST)

Robert McArthur:

>Anyone have an idea why the old gods intervened directly vs the red
>goddess at castle blue, but did not seem to when nysalor was born?
>Or did they??

Well, Yelm stopped in the Sky and Arachne Solara went after him to move him back on his path. Humakt sent down his only Son to kill Nysalor and Kyger Litor summoned the Black Eater but was made barren for her crimes. Orlanth revolted constantly against his better judgement and Chaos won in the end.

One should bear in mind that the lunars describe the Castle Blue opposition in terms of the actions of people and not the deeds of the gods themselves.

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