Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_hol.fr> writes:
>Sergio replying to TTrotsky:
> > > If the Invisible God wasn't so invisible and immaterial
> >
> > 'Immaterial'! How can we call 'materialist' precisely to those who believe
> > in an 'immaterial' god?
> At the Convulsion I asked Greg if the God Learners saw God as being
> material in Nature. His answer was "Yes". And it was the God Learners
> who began the cult of the Invisible God.
That's because the name for the Invisible God used by the God
Learners is Greg Stafford. And I'm sure any questions the Invisible
God allows, he will answer to his fullest amusement. Although
worshipped by some, He is material in Nature, so I hear.
The Gift Carriers are a headin' my way,