Basmol in the Kingdom of War

From: Julian Lord <>
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 17:22:12 +0200

Peter Metcalfe:

> ME>Maybe there are lions in Fronela?
> Syranthir's Ten Thousand marched from Loskalm to Carmania in
> the second age had tame lions in their ranks

Ah ! So there were lions in Fronela, then. Thanks !

> which implies that
> leonophobia was not a characteristic of the Loskalmi.

I can't see why not. The lions, surely, killed people? Were these people fearless of them? Unlikely.

> Where these lions came from is not known to me. Also it is unlikely
> for Syranthir to leave any sufficient numbers of lions and troops
> behind that could survive the next two ages to become incorporated
> into the Kingdom of War.

But the Kingdom of War appeared during the Syndic's Ban, seemingly from nowhere. It incorporates no part of the physical world as it previously existed, surely, despite the blatant unrealism of this idea.

Also, in reference to a later message : Are all knights who paint dragons on their shields fearless of dragons? Surely not !! Don't you think that one purpose of lion motifs in heraldry is an attempt to foster fear upon one's enemies in war?

My present conceit is that there are men of the Kingdom of War who use lions as steeds ("tame" lions). They worship Basmol, and are indeed Basmoli, although they may suffer from some kind of magical damage from the fact that they are the embodiment of the fear and loathing of the Loskalmi (ie they use western armour and weapons, etc...). The Loskalmi look on them as being Evil Knights. And, indeed, they are.

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