Hero Wars

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_hol.fr>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 01:52:19 +0200

Having gamemastered a demo of HW at Convulsion, I really *must* side with Nick Brooke in the HW "debate". The betting system and Plot points system are excellent devices which really allow the players to concentrate on what they like to simulate, and get rid of what they don't like in a couple of quick rolls, without sacrificing accuracy of simulation. I think I repeat myself ... The rule set also strikes me as being *very* easy to fiddle around with. So you don't like PPs? Easy! get rid of them! It's a D20 system too, so you might even be able to wipe the cobwebs off your old (and sorely-missed) house rules for The Other Game, and use them for (the more politically correct) Hero Wars and Glorantha. HW is also an excellent paradigm for developing RQ, PDP, GURPS, etc.. house rules (with a lot of work) for Glorantha.

>From the little I've seen of HW, it is excellent work.

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