Re: HW and healing

From: David Scott <>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 11:23:06 +0100

>I have noticed that healing is very difficult in HW. I don't see any of =
>it happening in the middle of combat. Healing magic, like other magics, =
>is no longer a spell, it is re-enacting what the god did to perform the =
>feat. If Chalana Arroy fasted for 2 days and then stood on her head for 5 =
>hours to re-attach that arm, that is what the priestess is going to have =
>to do. No more, Heal(6) and the arm is back on and I am swinging again =

Surely when you make your character you might say "is good at patching people up after fights". This might get you 14/6, or even unskilled you still get a chance to do things. Healers pick healing magic as their best ability. They can put arms back on with a modifier perhaps a minus for each hour passed.

I think it would be helpful to look at the pendragon model of combat/healing. People fight, in the heat of battle no healing is done (except for the odd miracle). Afterwards (if you survive) squires stop you bleeding to death. Your are taken back to a place of safety where the healers can start to put you back together. Weeks later you are fine. Glorantha with HW is no different.

As you can be heros in this game this method of approach makes complete sense. In KoS there are a couple of sections about this kind of action. Argrath & Harreck fight and it only takes Argrath 6 months to recover from the wounds. There is an other section where Harreck gets a foot chopped off and pretty cut up and continues to fight.

All HW is going to do is make a bit more worried about combat as it should.


David Scott, Explainer, National Museum of Science & Industry.

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