New gods

Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 17:34:26 -0400

> Hedkoranth, eldest of the Thunder Brothers maybe?

>That's the fella!

There will be a write up of Hedkoranth the Adventurer in the next issue o= f =

Tales. I based it on Gregs "First Ring" myth and Robins Keyword in the HW main rules, with a few additions to fill it out a bit and give some cu= lt
detail. Check it out when it arrives.

Other new deities

Nadan Birthing Man !!!!!
Hantrafal God-Talker
Uralda Cow Mother
Everything in Esrolia!!
and Doburden - the loyal and obedient Imperial Thunder god.....

The latter made my eyes bug.

Martin Laurie

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