<<Me> I find some difficulty squaring this statement with the fact that more fan-published materials are being released this year than at any time in the past (Enclosure, Questlines, TotRM, Tradetalk, Drastic: Darkness, Book of Tentacles). In what sense, exactly, are they fading?
My orginal post was confusing here...I was really referring to the fanpublished materials *on the digest*...the drop in output from the "occasional" posters as opposed to the Digest Elite[tm], in my mind a sign of a strong Glorantha core group, but with fence-sitters starting to peel off...>>
Fair enough, and I've already responded to that point. But I'm unclear as to how you *do* explain the plethora of fan magazines in production, and the fact that they achieve sales well beyond the limited numbers of the Digest Elite, given that you believe Glorantha is in a terminal and protracted nose dive.
<< Me:> Clearly that's what you want [RQ together with Glorantha]. I couldn't care less what system officially-published Glorantha uses, so long as its not too dreadful. Which of us is more typical? Which of us will be more typical after Hero Wars comes out and has the potential to draw in new players? I don't know, and I suspect, neither do you.
You're right...all I know about is from direct interaction with other players and what I read here for the most part. Hm, well, the 4-5 play groups I personally know/participate in, and the 20-25 RQ/Glorantha players I have associated with have all stop playing Glorantha-based games.>>
Which, since HW doesn't exist yet, doesn't really prove anything when you think about it. What Gloranthan gamers want, I suspect, is official material - whether they want it in RQ or HW and will refuse to start up new games if its in the wrong one, I really couldn't say. And this says nothing about the potential new Gloranthan gamers HW might attract.
<<I guess this could be just a fluke, but given that the number *is* 100%
and the fact that these groups are mostly in the Bay Area or elsewhere in
California, a stronghold of Gloranthan gaming no matter how you look at it, I
feel my fears are somewhat justified.>>
Well, if they're saying they want to game in Glorantha but won't unless new supplements are written for RQ rather than HW, then you may just have a point. But, even then, it just means that Glorantha will need a larger number of new devotees than might be expected - but we all know it needs quite a few anyway. I think its too early to be pessimistic. Come back in a couple of years when HW will have had time to prove itself, and if the situation hasn't changed then I'll agree with you! But not until then...
<<Let me ask you a question...if you had $30 to your name (until next payday) and walked into a store and saw the following 2 products on sale, which would you buy first?
True enough, I'd buy #2. But, even ignoring the fact that I'm not a new player and may not be typical of such how about:
Now, personally I'd have to think hard about that, but I'd probably go for #1.
<<More people will choose #2, IMO.>>
With your example, agreed. But I think mine is more indicative, and I'm betting you'd get closer to a 50/50 result with that. And, in the case of potential new gamers, I'd bet they'd be far more likely to go for #1 in your example. The question really revolves around how many potential recruits are out there - and I don't see any way to find that out other than to wait and see. I certainly wouldn't want to predict it one way or the other.
<<I'll admit that Hero Wars will sell, but it will be as a heroquesting supplement to RQ...>>
Not by me it won't, nor does this seem the general consensus here on the Digest. Now, granted, the 'GD Elite' and I may not be typical, but it seems to at least throw that conclusion into doubt.
<<new consumers seem, well, unlikely...>>
I don't see any reason to be that pessimistic. You *may* be right, but I'm seriously unconvinced.
<< Glorantha is a great world, however, it is not good enough to stand on its own as HW will force it to do. Find me a copy of a Glorantha-based work of fiction in any bookstore that's not in the gaming section and I could be persuaded to change my mind... :)>>
Issaries intend to sell Gloranthan fiction through the book trade as well as through normal gaming outlets. They have apparently had positive responses to this, so it could very well be on the horizon.
Just out of interest, is this just general gloom (and if it is, you're clearly entitled to your opinions and there isn't really a lot of point arguing about it at length) or do you have suggestions as to how the situation could be improved? Given that RQ isn't profitable enough to be sold at present, that is.
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