
From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_toppoint.de>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 98 23:33 MET DST

Steve Rennell

>asked about the break up of the Kultain tribe
>David Dunham replied

>> I'd speculate that they were broken up for the same reason as the
>> Colymar: they were a powerful tribe that was prominent in
>> Starbrow's Rebellion. Or if the timing's wrong, some similar
>> anti-Lunar offense.

>I think the Starbrow rebellion was 1613, and a couple of the
>characters wanted to have been there (all of 14 years old standing
>at the back trying to be brave). So 3-4 years later in 1617 Kultain
>get stomped? At the time the Lunars under Fazzur were invading
>south into volsaxiland, and one of the Volsaxi tribes got added to the
>sartar tribes and got most of the Kultain clans.

>There's got to be a link here, but I'm not sure what.

The breaking up cannot have happened before 1619, since the Lunars had no power whatsoever over the Volsaxi before he holed them up in Whitewall. In fact, I can't imagine that the fusion occurred before the Fall of Whitewall - - it doesn't sound politic to enlarge a tribe of the Volsaxi which is related to the rebels inside the city while staging a siege or even a major assault.

The most probable fault of the Kultain may have been their hindrance of the 1619 invasion or their support for Whitewall between 1619 and 1621, but then the Sylangi probably had done so as well.

Certainly, if anybody forwards player characters within this time and region, they might get the official blame...

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