Re: Sandy's Sorcerers; Heortland Script

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 05:49:22 +0100

Oliver asks:

> Can sorcerers using Sandy's sorcery rules increase their arts and
> skills by experience.

IIRC, Sandy's Sorcerers only have "skills" in individual spells. An Art is an all-or-nothing thing: either you know it, or else you don't.

I may be wrong, or a couple of versions out of date...

> I was wondering whether the main written language used in Heortland
> was. Is it still Heortlander or do they use the language of their Western
> overlords instead. OR do they use both for different purposes like
> English and French were used in Medieval England?

The latter is the more fun, and I embrace it.

Remember that there have been "Western" influences in Heortland since the end of the First Age. It's not just King Richard's johnny-come-lately Rokari crusaders (although those *are* rather like a brutish Norman Conquest on their own) -- perhaps a fair comparison is:

	Second Age Heortland - like Anglo-Saxon England becoming converted
		to Christianity (Aeolian Malkionism): Venerable Bede Country.

	Third Age Heortland - like late AS England being invaded by Normans
		(Rokari Crusaders): Hereward and Ivanhoe Country.

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