Re: RuneQuest Slayers

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 16:31:10 EDT

David Dunham:

<< I've heard from someone who played a demo of RuneQuest Slayers, and from  his report, it certainly sounds like the game has nothing in common with RQ  except the name. No PC magic, and nothing but D6s.>>

    In an interview published in Pyramid last month, the designers of RuneQuest: Slayers said they had ditched absolutely everything from RuneQuest except the name. They felt this was a good move although it seems pretty odd to me not to go the whole hog and get rid of the name as well - you're only going to irritate existing RQ fans, and put off the anti-RQ types that might actually like the game. Still, with Avalon Hill out of business, the point seems rather moot now...

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