Re: Non-malkioni materialists

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 23:34:13 +0100 (BST)

Peter sez:
> I have strong reservations about saying the Starseers are
> materialists.

To be more precise, I'm saying they're Mystic Materialists, not pure-strain one or t'other.

> The Buserium are associated with writing and scribecraft as
> well as celestialogy but this is not hard evidence that they
> are materialists. Lhankor Mhy also has similar interests
> but nobody suggests that the Grey Sages are Materialists.

That's true, but the Grey Sages don't go around obsessively measuring everything, or having such choice 'cult secrets' as "As you all know [*], most of your culture's mythology is historical bunk". Even so, there's a bit of a "materialist" aspect to LM, though largely of course it's a theist cult.

> FWIW the mode of Buseri worship is stated as being 'Adoration'

I think Buserian is a sort of Dayzatar "subcult", in some vague sense. It pretty much hives off all the more useful "theistic" bits, leaving the "Dayzatar proper" types to do all the excitingly masochistic ascetic stuff. Not 100% clear do me how they divvy up the "materialist" chores, that may be mainly a Buseri thing, too.

> This does conjure visions of astronomers trying to space out
> on wacky baccy while listening to the theme music for 2001.

If Millennialist Convulsion runs a) itself, and b) (yet) another Sky Panel, I'll be sure to demand that the Green Room be suitably equipped. I mean with a stereo, of _course_!


[*] In the Digest sense of that phrase, that is.

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