> > the rule that allows a defender to reduce the SP bid of its attacker in exchange for
> > a die roll penalty.
> What is this rule? I don't think I saw it in the demo rules.
The rules allow you to reduce SP bids made by your opponents for a penalty on your die roll. This can save your bacon from being seriously fried, even though it probably won't stop you from losing a conflict. It represents extraordinary defensive efforts on your part, trying to avoid dying more than truly fighting to hurt your assailant.
> I thought that once you were down to zero SPs or lower you were no longer able to continue?
This is correct.
> If an NPC is also allowed to fight/continue from negatives does this
> superceed the rule that they can only bid the SPs they still have?
An NPC can't fight with 0 or fewer SPs
> One final question. If a player goes down to -30 and is dying, then
> gambles and luckily wins a couple of rounds and builds his SPs back up
> to positive and continues to route the enemy off the field.
A character at -30 is out, and can't fight.
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