Re: The Glorantha Digest V6 #111

From: Bruce Mason <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 09:32:02 GMT0BST

From: Joerg Baumgartner <> he sez:
Nick tries to defend plot points:

> > Plot Points are rather like the similar points (Hero Points, Force
> > Points, Fate Points, and lord knows what else) that many other
> > systems use to allow players some respite from the evils of the
> > uncaring dice (and to allow GMs to reward good play). Most players
> > will have at most a handful of Plot Points

 >From my estimate, they are almost as common as are the experience
>points in Star Wars which can be burnt off to ward off desaster or
> increase success. As I said above, for about every 20 die rolls the player has to
> do there will be a plot point (each time the target number is rolled),
> to an average of one to two per 4 hours session of action.

Well in the HW play test game I was in one character picked up four plot points in less than 3 hours, mine got none. The minimax approach seemed to be to pick on someone weaker than you and drag out the contest to make as many rolls as possible. We didn't do that, naturally. Question is, if someone is prepared to do this does this say "dodgy system" or "dodgy roleplayer"?

On the other hand I have run several non-Gloranthan campaigns using RQ in which I used hero points and they were essential in keeping PCs alive. To be honest I would prefer to see plot/hero points whatever given out at the end of session based on a merit system rather than who made the most lucky die rolls.

>From what I've seen HW needs plot points, sure they can be minimaxed
but the answer to that would seem to be not to play with obsessive minimaxers. I would rather see HW designed to be compatible with good roleplaying rather than defensively designed against munchkins and rules lawyers.

End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #113

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