The Glorantha Digest V6 #116

From: Simon Bray <>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:28:00 -0400

Hi All,

 Someone finally notices the Rightarm Islands stuff we have been posting. Cheers Joerg.

 The Pol Dari reclaimers are an old organisation of shamanic/mystics who have lived amongst the Islands for about a thousand years. Their secrets may well have come from another culture, but that is not specified. It is our belief that Belintar arrived at the Islands and did several tasks, which caused the Pelaskans to join his cause.

  1. Belintar performed the Sea Kings Tribute, instead of grovelling before the sea gods, he toasted with them and sat at their table. This is an important ritual for all Ard-Righ-Mahal, they reinact the role of Pelaskos entering the realm of the Sea Gods and finding his place on the pantheon.
  2. Belintar created a boat. Not any ordinary boat, but the biggest ever seen amongst the Islands. It was carved from the wooden bones of the Mangove Monster. It is now called the Pharoah's First and sits in the harbour at CoW. It fits the description of the polyream in RQ3.
  3. Belintar 'borrowed' the magic of the Pol Dari and raised Loon Island fulfilling an ancient prophecy.

 '...and he shall know your ways as if born to them...'

 RE: Choralinthor the husband of Esrolia. The Pol Dari claim this as one of their biggest secrets. (or so we will proclaim to not loose face.)

 The dates that appear inaccurate came from some information from Greg. We were unsure which dates were correct.

BTW: Why we wrote about the Rightarm Islands and Fonrit.

 Martin and I met at Convuslion 3D, he had made an appeal for assistance on the Grazeland project. I really fancied doing some writing and so we joined forces. For various reasons the project ground to a halt, and so Martin and I said 'Where shall we do next?' Thus out came the trusty maps of Glorantha and a pin....

 We wrote about the Rightarm Islands for the sake of writing about somewhere new. We wanted to create a group of people that were not Orlanthi, but upheld similar principles. The Pelaskans are simple folk, struggling to survive. The Islands were also created so that there would be another port in Glorantha, Seapolis is much easier to get a ferry to than it is to trek across the desert to Corflu. We wanted to expand Glorantha, the more of the world that is opened the better in my opinion, I really hate everything being so esoteric and secretive.

 By May 1997 we had completed Seapolis, several stories and the Rightarm Islands gazeteer. We were bored with exploring the possibilites of these rather wet people. But we love them. Thus we got out a pin and a map of Glorantha and ended up with Fonrit and so the process began again...

 Coming soon, 'Ouch that was my bloody finger'.

 Cheers Simon.

End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #117

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