Hiccups, lesbians, web site

From: Jane Williams <jane_at_williams.nildram.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 19:49:33 +0100

No Digests for days, then six at once: and 117 and 119 don't seem to have appeared at all?? What's happening? And do the missing two actually exist?

Unrelated (I hope), Alex said:
> I'm not even going to get into whether Vinga is a Gay Icon, lest Jane
> Williams send me letterbombs.

Me? Do such a nasty thing? As if I would!

Most Vingans I know are almost aggressively heterosexual: the difference betwen them and ordinary women is which gender does the chasing. I'm not sure which goddess would have "charge" of lesbians, though. Babs Gor? Considering how well she gets on with men, after all? Inora, who isn't too keen on men either, at least not in bed? I expect Uleria would smile on any sort of Love, so maybe it's one of her Aspects.

And now the Digest is visibly back, I can point out that in the silence I spent some time putting new bits on my web site. The ELBQ (as printed in the Con4D book) and a few other things.

Jane Williams jane_at_williams.nildram.co.uk http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~janewill/gloranth/

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