> I always thought that the amount of stuff and souls that the Crimson
> Bat had to consume and utterly destroy every week was appallingly
> high.
It is, and this has even bothered Lunar authorities, including Her Redness herself.
However, "reliable Lunar sources" tell us that this huge appetite is unleashed only in times of war - i.e. in peace times the Bat is restricted in its food, content with a small bunch of criminals each Dying and Dark Day. The cult of the Bat makes sure that there are criminals, or other maldoers, to be eaten.
About 40 victims a week doesn't really seem excessive, if this Lunar statement is correct.
> Let's feed it cattle for a year - 1000 per week - 42,000
> per year!
Cattle alone won't do, they lack that "soul" or "sapience" stuff.
> I did run a scenario where players were local overlords (in
> Carmania, 1260) and had to hide, help feed, run away,
> protect/betray their serfs, or be destroyed fighting the Bat.
> My players, being rich, treacherous bastards did a deal with
> the Moon Ambassador and organised a few hundred rebellious
> friends of Darbeest as a starter, all the House cattle as a
> main course and anything else they could get to, fingers
> crossed, finish it off.
That was during a period of conflict between the remaining free lords of Carmania (Bindle, wasn't it?) and the Empire, so its appetite was not only awakened but encouraged. "This is the price for opposing the empire" object lesson...
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