Well, unfortunatly, the only time I've had Sense Assasin work in my campaign was as a plot device. PC's are all traveling with an Ernalda Accolyte and her Humakti lover/bodyguard. Now, they get invited into a castle of a Seshnellan Knight who wants to set up some trade for Esrolian Grain, and as he and the Accolyte enter the main hall, the bodyguard gets a horrible look on his face, draws his sword and blows past all the PC's. One of the PC's looks stunned and goes, "Uh, guess I know what his gift is..." And all the PC's get sucked into a nasty fight with Assasins. BTW, I might add, that Daggers with Bladesharp 8 and a heafty dose of poison can be AWFULLY nasty.
Anyhow, other than that, I haven't really seen Sense Assasin make a difference. Usually, when somebody wants to kill you, you know. It's a great bodyguard ability, of course, but not very useful for PC's.
Also, I play that the spell Detect Enemies does not require visual targeting. In fact, if somebody is hiding nearby and wants to geek you, it will draw you towards them. However, the Humakti version requires a dagger and a VERY silly dance. (Kinda like Kabuki with a dagger instead of a fan, if I recall correctly.) Meaning, that my Humakti don't WANT to cast the spell anymore. ;-)
Rich Ohlson
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