Re: Malkioni theory

From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 08:39:23 +0200

> I haven't heard the Malkioni devolution scheme (or maybe I have but I
> haven't heard the scheme as it was described at the Convulsion).

Prime mover -> Creator -> Malkion the god -> Malkion the man (who eventually died) or so. This the visible part. The theory is a bit muddled in my head right now. Zzabur thought the last transition was a Bad Thing and refused to join.

>The Malkioni do know of States of Existance outside the
>Cosmos but equate it with the number zero and thus 'prove' to their
>satisfaction that it cannot be reached by mortals

I asked at the Convulsion lore auction if there are transcendental ideas in all world views, to which Greg answered that yes, the goal in _all_ for worldviews is to bring man and the transcendent together. It didn't occur to me to ask the follow-up question "What about the materialists then?" though, so I can't say what form it takes.

> Perhaps we should make a little schematic. The Malkioni view the
> world in terms of emanations from the Godhead at which the very
> lowest is the Mortal World, the second lowest is the spirit world.
> The highest materially observable emanation is the One Mind of
> the God Learners, the Good God of Estrekor and so forth. Above them
> is the Hidden Mover who is unknowable. Somewhere in between lies
> the Solace that Malkion discovered and above it lies Joy of the Heart
> that Hrestol discovered.

Slight Digest rules break here: this is brilliant! Finally a clear exposition of Malkioni metaphysics.

> Hence I think that the status of Saintliness is arrived at by
> purifying the mind and body so as to attain a higher level of
> existance.

Not that I want to resurrect the old saint debate at the moment, but on a related note, I think that there is much to say for the above view, but there is one part missing. To be a saint you need some kind of self sacrifice, a willingness to reach out to others, not just tranfer your own consciuosness to a higher level.

Nils Weinander | Everything is dust in the wind |

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