
From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 17:03:27 +1200 (NZST)

Andrew Joelson:

J>>>Wondering why MacBeth figures so often on this Digest

Me>>Because he is an ideal archetype for a Bad Orlanthi King.

> This doesn't track. What did MacBeth do that was wrong? Yes, yes,
>I know he killed the King who was his guest, (and the King's guards, who
>were innocent). But I see this as just another Orlthani power-play.

It violates the laws of hospitality (punishable by the Wind Fists according to Cults of Prax) and is also Secret Murder and Regicide, both of which are Capital Crimes according to KoS p260.

> He did not frame Malcolm or Donalbane, they framed themselves when
>they got scared and fled.

He did however order the secret murder of Banquo who was his friend and who had kept his mouth shut.

>Where is the proof that MacBeth _ruled_ badly?

Unnatural events: A Falcon killed by a Mousing Hawk, Darkness at Noon, the Old King's Horses eat each other, Queen goes mad etc.

King Harold Godwinson had similar Bad Omens in his day when he became King of England despite having promised to uphold William the Bastard's claim several years before. As a result, Halley's Comet blazed across the Heavens...

>When Malcolm invaded to get his throne back, he had to have help from the
>English (Percy, Duke of Northumberland). If MacBeth was so bad, why didn't
>anyone besides MacDuff leap to Malcolm's side? If MacBeth was so bad, the
>English assistance shouldn't have been necessary...

Look at the geography. Where else could anyone seek help from besides England?

Alex Ferguson:

>In reality, MacBeth was reputedly quite a good king, but the fact
>that Duncan and Malcolm were ancestors of the play's Patron had a
>modicum of influence on how it was composed.

The only evidence for his goodness is that he made a prilgimage to Rome and returned during his reign without being deposed in his absense.

>ObGlorantha: I don't think MacBeth isn't such a good model for an
>Orlanthi _tribal_ king at least, good or bad, because he's an
>out-and-out monarch, whereas the latter seems to a bit like being the
>referee in a on-going familily quarrel. (Doubly so of being a clan
>chief, there's a job-and-a-half for you.) As a Sartarite prince,
>or as King of the likes of Tarsh, a much closer one, I suppose.

Or even Argrath. Consider:

Duncan, King of Scotland        Kallyr Starbrow
Duncan's Pages                  Harrek the Berserk & Gunda the Guilty
Macbeth                         Argrath
Banquo                          Mularik Ironeye
Macduff                         Onjur Fazzurson
Three Witches                   Olaront Dragonman, Minaryth
                                Purple & Densesros the Scribe
Three Murderers                 Brolli the Stout, Engarna Farsee
                                & Yend the Leaper

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