> Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1980 18:06:49 +0000
> From: Michael Cule <mikec_at_room3b.demon.co.uk>
> Subject: Ygg's Islanders and Three Words.
- -..
> I'm sure I read somewhere that Harrek managed to recite his descent from
> Ygg when he took over the Wolf Pirates. Any guesses as to how he did
> it/what that implies?
I'd say pure oratory. Like the fabricated genealogy Argrath produced when
he visited the Colymar tribe. (My interpretation of the action's of Leika's
Speaking Companion in the incident is the 'Companion saying to Argrath
`you are using speaking magic, and I know it')
- --
Benedict Adamson, Project Engineer, Computational Dynamics Limited.
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