Rampant Transvestitism

From: mob <mob_at_bayswater.schnet.edu.au>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 15:29:02 +0500

G'day all,

Rampant Transvestitism

Senator Mike Cule asked:

>We all know that the Yelmies have insidous bouts of being compelled to
>dress up as women. (Oh, all right then. *Some* Yelmies!)
>Has anyone ever given a mythological reason why? Is there something in
>the ENTEKOSIAD I missed about pre-Time Pelandan culture taking its

I don't know about the Dara Happan Yelmie's per se, but the explanation as to why the curse of rampant transvestitism periodically strikes the Yelmalians of the Sun Dome is described in "The Secret History of Sun County" in Questlines II. You'll also get the full lyrics to that catchy tune "Y-E-L-M" ("Young Man, there's no need to cross-dress, I said young man, it's wrong to sleep with your sex...") and other goodies. Andrew Bean tells me that QLII is almost sold out, so if you're after a copy, get in fast!



  Research Associate, Bayswater Primary School   Learning Technologies Navigator School, Bayswater, Victoria, Australia   Telephone: +61-3-9721-3755 Fax: +61-3-9720-8986   <mob_at_bayswater.schnet.edu.au>
  MOB's Glorantha Page: http://gateway.bayswater.schnet.edu.au:81/~mob/

  9 Parker Street, Richmond 3121, Victoria, Australia   Home Telephone: +61-3-9428-9048

End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #146

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