Bats and Souls

From: Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:00:00 -0400


I'm perfectly happy to leave the Bat in its Cave on the Moon between Signals (sorry but I had to maintain the simile) and I believe I had said
as much (or something equivalent anyway). I don't have access to TOTRM 1-9 so anything written in those issues has trouble (unfortunately)
influencing anything I might think. (Which takes nothing away from them BTW). I'm perfectly prepared to see the Bat's peacetime predations as a non-issue, phew isn't that a relief?


Hmm, can't remember saying anywhere that I thought souls in a Gloranthan context were the equivalent of Christian souls so its rather presumptious to assume that I did. Now of course I didn't say exactly what I did think they were either so we're even. When I was referring to souls in the context of the Bat I was referring to the tasty bits
of people that are not material which the Bat feeds upon, whatever the heck they might be. In a rulesy context the Bat eats both your flesh and
the other bits that make you what you are. The question I'm sort of interested in is this:

"Once the Bat's eaten you are you gone forever?"

By this I wonder whether your spirit/soul/ka/animus/life energy/whatever can ever be contacted by someone or can it contact anyone else after you've made your trip down the Bat's gullet. Is it gone for good?

To put this in other words after you've been eaten by the Bat does your life energy/etc. go where it's supposed to go or does it just disappear? Does your energy disperse to the pool?, can your relatives/descendants contact you? do you go to Humakt's Hall, Orlanth's Place for drinks? etc., etc., etc.

And if it does go for good what other entities/monsters/etc. can do similar feats? Can a vampire do so, what about a chonchon?


Oliver D. Bernuetz

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