Interesting! What scale are said rules on, and how did you find 'em to work, Gloranthanicly?
> Most Sartarite clans have no significant cavalry [...]
> Baron Sanuel's Company, the Poljoni, and presumably the Elmali clans?
And of course such Yelmalions as they're on speaking terms with. (And haven't absent-mindedly lost their horses, like the RoC eejits.)
> If there is a place for chariot riding Orlanthi in Glorantha (and
> surely there must be) it is on the plains of Ralios?
The Volsaxi use 'em. (See "second hand chariot salesman" joke cum (T) rumour in an oldish Tales.) I think the Galinnin have a "tradition" of chariots, but I don't know that they still use 'em.
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