Uz and them, in dresses.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 20:29:39 +0100 (BST)

> Much as I reckon this new "politically correct" Nandan stuff brings
> little more than retconned naffness to Sartar

I won't argue "PC" or "naff" (not until I fancy starting a good bar-room brawl at a Con, anyway), but to be fair this isn't much of a RetCon. Nandan is obviously not a ubiquitous cult, more of an intermittent/local "Hero Cult", I think. Certainly nothing like as common as Vinga, despite the (very imperfect, IMHO) comparison with her (and you'll note the dearth of Vingan mythology in KoS -- makes Yinkin look positively overrepresented...).

I'd have thought MOB would have been the last person to complain about Nandan, though -- is cross-dressing no fun any more when it's Officialised, or perhaps what's worse, Serious?

> Dan's proposition that Jungle Trolls
> are all male is way cool and brims with MGF potential.

Hang on -- just like jungle elfs? Is this some kind of Pameltelan Elder Race _epidemic_?


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