Re: Bats and Souls

From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 18:06:26 +0100

Oliver Bernuetz wonders:
> By this I wonder whether your spirit/soul/ka/animus/life
> can ever be contacted by someone or can it contact anyone else after
> you've made your trip down the Bat's gullet. Is it gone for good?

Alex :

>You can never be contacted by anyone, AFAWK. Though then again, maybe
>they said that about Sheng Seleris, before he turned back up again,
>mad as hell (pun intended), with a big barbarian army and a set of
>shish kebab skewers...

But then the Lunars did not _want_ to destroy Sheng utterly. They wanted to capture, humiliate, corrupt and torture him for all eternity. They made an example of him "See- this is what happens to people who realy piss us off." c.f. KoS where Fazzur shows Sheng languishing in a lunar hell to the assembled rebellious Sartarite commanders.

>The Orlanthi say that becoming Bat Food is being destroyed by Chaos,
>it simply obliterates your existence, body, mind and soul.

Agreed. There is no afterlife for bat food.

>The Lunars say that being so eaten removes you from the Material World
>and the Divine World, but would point out that the devouree may have
>transcended to the Third World (this might depend on how enlightened
>an individual you were to start with), there's no way for people still
>trapped in the mundane to determine this.

Scummy barbarians are recalcitrant in their rejection of such trancendant truths and so are consigned to the void. Since the world is an illusion, and the barbarians live wholly within the world, they're just a waste of space anyway. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Note that from a Lunar point of view, this is great. If you kill an Orlanthi his soul still exists, goes to the lands of the dead and still worships Orlanth. i.e. from a cosmic perspective they're still a problem. However, feed 'em to the bat and it's asta la vista baby. One less pleb in the forces of barbarianism come the day of reckoning.

Simon Hibbs

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